Wild Wanderers

Wild Wanderers After-School Program

The Schuylkill Center’s Wild Wanderers is an outdoor, nature-based, after-school program for children in grades K – 5. We offer after-school care until 6:00 pm which may include nature hikes, group activities, unstructured free play, and outdoor exploration. We believe that continued access to nature, in both structured and unstructured environments, can be as important to a child’s growth and development as time spent in an indoor classroom. Our Wild Wanderers learn about and are enriched by the natural beauty of our 365 acres of forest, streams, ponds and meadows.

All program staff are highly-qualified professionals. We maintain a staff to student ratio of 1:10 or lower.

Five children sitting in a pile of autumn leaves.

Photo Credit: Matt Schink

  • Registration

    Current Wild Wanderers families receive priority registration. If spots remain, registration will open in August to those not currently enrolled.

    Annual Fees for the 2024-2025 School Year

      1 days/week 2 days/week 3 days/week 4 days/week 5 days/week
    Non-Member $1,222 $1,906 $2,609 $3,236 $3,825
    Member $1,039 $1,620 $2,218 $2,751 $3,251

    (Monthly Payments are 10% of the total amount)


    Children helping to plant a tree in the forest

    Photo Credit: Declan Murphy

  • Transportation

    The Schuylkill Center currently offers van transportation from several local schools in Northwest Philadelphia. Please contact us to find out if transportation from your child’s school is available. Van seating is highly sought-after, so we strongly encourage you to register early.

    For information about Wild Wanderers registration and shuttle pick-up, please contact Beatrice Kelly at mailto:mbeatrice@schuylkillcenter.org or (215) 853-6249

Photo: Declan Murphy